Priyanka Chopra recently watched Guneet Monga's documentary The Elephant Whisperers, and she couldn't stop gushing over it. The actress shared two posts on her Instagram stories lauding the makers Kartiki Gonsalves and Guneet Monga for "bringing this amazing story to life". In the first post, Priyanka wrote, "A trunk-filled with emotions! One of the most heartwarming documentaries I've watched recently...loved it! Big shout out to @kartikigonsalves @guneetmonga for bringing this amazing story to life (red heart emoji)." In the next post, the actress tagged The Elephant Whisperers team. For those who don't know, then let us tell you the documentary is nominated for Oscars 2023 in the Best Documentary Short category.
Soon after Priyanka Chopra shared the posts, Guneet Monga quickly replied. She re-shared the posts on her Instagram stories and wrote sweet notes thanking the actress. In the first post, she wrote, "Thank you Priyanka. You are the best," followed by heart emoticons. In the second, she wrote, "We are over the moon Priyanka. We love you so so much."
Take a look at both the post below:
Helmed by Kartiki Gonsalves and produced by Guneet Monga and Achin Jain, The Elephant Whisperers has been nominated against Haul Out, How Do You Measure A Year, The Martha Mitchell Effect and Stranger At The Gate. The documentary, set in South India, tells the story of a couple who adopts an orphan baby elephant.
Coming back to Priyanka Chopra, the actress is gearing up for the release of the much-awaited Citadel trailer. The trailer of the spy thriller is slated to release on March 1, 2023.
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