It was a photo-op moment to melt the stoniest of hearts. The Khans attended the gala opening of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai on Friday night and while Shah Rukh skipped the red carpet, Salman and Aamir didn't. Neither did SRK's family – wife Gauri, son Aryan and daughter Suhana posed together for the cameras and were then joined by Salman, last seen reprising his role of super spy Tiger in SRK's film Pathaan. The quartet chatted and smiled for pictures as flashbulbs popped.
Salman also posed for a picture with Aryan.
Shah Rukh Khan, who regularly skips red carpets of late, likely attended the event – this picture was posted by his manager Pooja Dadlani.
SRK and Salman, playing spies, shared two blockbuster scenes in this year's big release Pathaan and are expected to appear in more film set in the Yash Raj Spy Universe together.
The third of the Khan triumvirate, Aamir, was at the event as well with sons Junaid and Azad and daughter Ira who was escorted by her fiancé Nupur Shikhare.
Literally everyone who is anyone was at the opening of the new cultural centre – Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas flew in rom Los Angeles, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh held hands, Aishwarya and daughter Aaradhya represented the Bachchans, Alia Bhatt was there as were Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Newlyweds Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani attended as well and so did Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput. Best of all was the appearance of Rajinikanth, almost never spotted at social occasions.
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